Everyone would like to get out of the house in their leisure time: whether it is a lunch outside the house, a chic dinner, a day in the nature, etc. However, where can you find responsible and sustainable options?

Dining out

There are more and more initiatives for organic food. But vegan options, macrobiotic food and sustainable catering are also becoming increasingly known. Here we share our experiences and give you tips.

Day out

Nowadays, a day trip can increasingly be organized in a responsible and sustainable way.


There are more and more opportunities to enjoy your vacation in a sustainable accommodation. We investigate the possibilities and give you some tips to increase the anticipation.

The list

To make clear what we understand by sustainable leisure activities, we have compiled a list. It will not be very difficult to find a location that meets at least one of the points in the list. A location that meets all points will be difficult to find for the time being.


– Food is produced locally or nationally as much as possible

– The food is preferably organic


– Green electricity is used

– People generate energy from sustainable sources on their own land


– Water-saving measures have been taken

– There is a good water purification system on site

– Water is re-used


– The recycling or reuse of waste is clearly encouraged

– Separation, recycling and / or reuse is performed on site

Cleaning products

– The cleaning products have the EKO quality mark or European Ecolabel

– The cleaning agents are used as indicated on the package

Construction and environment

– The environment and population are taken into account when building a new accommodation (do not cut forests or expel farmers from their land)

– The local population is not adversely affected by tourism,

– There is cooperation with the local population and they get paid fairly

Way of traveling

– The location is easy to reach by public transport

Perhaps not all options are available and sustainability is often not visible from the outside. But the more people ask for it, the more options there will be in the future.